
uTem 迎新会

uTem 迎新会, 第一次在新的布道所举行团契,
大家都充满喜乐和感恩的心, 享受在这可爱的团契当中.

不晓得什么这么惊奇, 让大家都往这儿看 .

看一看这张, 再看下一张
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来了个外来客 !

兆远可爱的一面. 哈哈

大家都专注在游戏, 只有一个, 不忘看看镜头.
~ Rain ~
果然对相机特别敏感... 哈哈

3 条评论:

Jathniel Tong 说...

eee... where is the new student? hahaha... y all is u guys oni de. hahaha

匿名 说...

beside well got 2 new student frm uTem de, then another 1 is in hoho tat group. hehe

匿名 说...

some of them didnt come tat day, they had come previous week. when u free back and pay us a visit, intro some gals to u. haha....