

mmu 弟兄姐妹们将要面对 mid term test, most of them during next week (28.7 till 1.8)
do pray 4 us.. prayer is the power. 祷告就是力量 ! 阿门 !!!

兆伟 ------------------------- monday n wednesday
秩成 ------------------------- monday n tuesday (2subject)
德希 & cindy ----------------- friday
泽豪 & 宗锦 & 志文 ----------- wednesday n thursday
Alice ------------------------- friday (2subject)
家瑰 ------------------------- tuesday n wednesday (final exam)
凯祥 ------------------------- wednesday
凯旋 ------------------------- wednesday n friday

i oli noe this few bro n sis having midterm exam next week. if miss any 1 pls send comment here, so i cn update the list. thanks

2 条评论:

匿名 说...

yes, we'll pray for them. Thanks for informing.

匿名 说...

my quiz on 12 august!!!