haha.. 本来 will go Portugis settlement with church friends, bt 可惜 no transport. so i go with my coursemate. so post some photo here ~
Then we plan to go bek around 11pm, bt on d way walk bek we meet those crazy guy.. haha. zhao wei, jeffrey, cindy n winnie n their coursemate. so we decided go bek, and spray them. bt sayang 计划失败。haha.. coz they are crazy than us =.= '''
16 条评论:
=.=" nt onli cousemate eh...housemates oso lar~~i tink all r crazy lo...bt zhao wei is d craziet among all..lolz..
haha,匿名 is winnie or cindy ? haha, i think cindy paling crazy eh. if u r cindy then sry ya. haha.. 我最可怜 lo, coz kena spray a lotzzz =.=''
waiha, wat me most crazy, i baru most kelian ler, kena spray till cant breath for almost 30seconds, zhehao, u is 自找的,who ask u start de war 1st de haha!!!!!
haha.. awei u oso 自找的, spray those gal frm bek.. 真是不知死活。hahaha. i wana b the tanker ma, haha.
mana ada, me is kena ppl 陷害, tat mantid 陷害 me de >.< z2Z...z2Z... u are only creep, want be tanker? hahahaha
hahaha.. 4gt to buy heart so knt b the tanker lo. dun say dota here larr. >.<
we spray til many money eh ~ =.=
chez haw and awei...talking alien language here? everyone is crazy there.. but it is still a special Xmas. Mayb we can go again next year..haha
haha.. next year we go Singapore enjoyz christmas like cd lo. ^^
zhao wei stil dun 1 2 admite hor..u r d 1st 1 hu starts de lo...stil say u kena 陷害wor...memang 自找 lo..hahaz..sum spray til eyes wor..u al reali bad la...say wan go singapore lo..i oso wan go ler..haih~~
oKoK, anything lo, happy jiu hao haha, but aim face de tat 1 sure nt me, i m jz victim in that >.<
wats wrong with aiming face?
cj 说...
wats wrong with aiming face?
cute boy, admit urself ya...1 or the 真凶 z2Z7.....
just admit ur aiming sux...
wah ~
zhao wei, admit nia la. u start the war 1st .kena spray till cant breath for almost 30seconds,is 自找的
cj, aiming vr good la. plo ~
u 2 crazy? the time u 2 leaving comment is 3am.4am.5am. no nid slp eh?