1. 为我打你,为你打我,打破你的皮,流出我的血。(猜一动物)
2. 站着没有坐着高,一年四季穿皮袄。(猜一动物)
3. 骨头骨脑骨眼睛,骨脚骨手骨背心。(猜一动物)
4. 远看乌龙探爪,近看黑蛇锁江,用时在地上,不用戴头上。(猜一物)
5. 生的是一斗,熟的是八升加二升,一家围在一起吃一顿,还有三升加七升。(猜一物)
7 条评论:
1. so easy, mosquito
wa...shy le...the joke is 18sx
Yes, no.1 is the easiest. How about the no.2 to no.5?
Among all of us, anyone of us is under age of 18 years old?
Well, you so clever in the question last time, come on. try this. Others also can try. haha...
here i come..
1st is mosquito, no doubt
2nd should be dog, or wolf??
3rd is crab~
4th is..... dnt know...@_@
5th is..... dnt know too~~ so hard
Ya, you really clever. 2nd is dog. 4th and 5th just try to guess again if free. hehehe.
Aiya, tell you one la, 4th is 船锚. 5th guess yourself la. hahaha...
5th is 米?饭?