
冬至 -- 20/12/2007(星期四) 晚上 9 :15


看到以上的汤圆,相信大家一定都很想吃吧 !(快抹嘴,口水要流出来了啦)由于今年大家不能回家乡庆祝冬至, 所以,大专团契将会在星期四晚上 9 :15兆远家搓汤圆, 团契团契一下。。(其实冬至是22日,但那天正好报佳音,不能庆祝)。


有意者请回贴。如果不得空来但又很想吃,没关系,我们打包送去你家, but you'll miss the most wonderful part --- 一起搓汤圆的乐趣。。


12 条评论:

匿名 说...

I will be there on time, count me in~ no need fetch me coz i stay thr..hahah... I'll share one recipe too. I'll bring one friend.

匿名 说...

aiyoooo... wednesday i got exam lei. hehe .. c 1st, if can wil go ^^

匿名 说...

wei le 汤圆

GO!!! test fail ma fail lo..haha

匿名 说...

ok la..since so busy, we changed to thursday nite la...

匿名 说...

Dear all, we changed the date to thursday nite. pls take note ya...hehe..tao zhe, see you thr lor...cj, u so geng~ hahahaha

匿名 说...

fetch me from cyber k not?haha

匿名 说...

匿名 is who? shi qi? the other 匿名 lei? frm cyber de? chui lin? hahaha

匿名 说...

Erm... just wonder, making "tang yuan" and eat "tang yuan" how can 感觉上帝的爱? Got sharing arr? or tell them we are christian and we unite together because it is 上帝的恩典? :)

匿名 说...

plan to share something..but nobody is willing to share...

anyone volunteer?

匿名 说...

count me in pls, lol hopefully i can make it~

匿名 说...

i m willing to share my maggie mee...

Chin Nee 说...

..ngiao ngiao ngiao... we are making tang yuan, not maggie mee la... adui...